Sunday, September 4, 2011


Gabby Gabby won a Sim Choice Award for Best New Artist.This sim is my entree for a little contest my friend is having on the Forums.  I'll link you to  the contest, if you want to enter! Great prizes!Make sure to leave your thoughts on this Sim! XD DOWNLOADMake sure to extract the simfile also. Hair by Anubis3...

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Alexis's Body She is Possessed by demon. Anyone know of a photo editing program that has background eraser? ( i need it for editing )I have used up both photoshop versions and Elements 9 trials :( Lemme know what you think of her please. You dont need to be a blogger member to post ^_~ ------------------------------------------------------DOWNLOAD---------------------------------------------------...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Candy Caramelldansen

Candy Caramelldansen  ~ A Pray For japan Sim ~Even though im a little late. *please comment.Both sims3pack and simfile~ 。≧ω≦。~ The Panda Resembles Japan and the heart resembles the love we give them. <3 DOWNLOADsims3pack+sim.file...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Madison the mad one

Madison**UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINKShes just a little crazy.Checked with Delphy Tool. Comment please! :333 DOWNLOADDOWNLOAD *sim.file Hair by SavioPeggy (?)Skin by Ephemer...

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